Image Shift Width | 210 |
Initial Values | 203 |
Insert Page | 219 |
Insert Pages | 249 |
Install Software link | 188 |
Installation Error | 343 |
Installed | 318, 321 |
Installer | 17 |
Intent | 266 |
Interleave Pages | 221, 227, 250 |
Internal Fonts | 364 |
Internet Connection | 24 |
IP Address | 326, 334 |
IP/IPX Address | 321, 330 |
IPP Printing | 24, 112 |
IPX Address | 326, 334 |
Item/Refresh Rate | 320 |
J |
Job Documentation | 268 |
Job Documentation Folder | 268 |
L |
Large Capacity | 238 |
Layout Direction | 282 |
Layout direction | 269 |
Layout Tab | 207 |
Left to Right Page Layout | 297 |
Letter Tab | 210, 259 |
Limitations | 201 |
Local Area Network | 23 |
Local Discovery | 323 |
Location | 326, 331, 334 |
lp command | 298 |
LPR Printing | 23, 64, 151 |
LPT1 | 22 |
lptap | 298 |
M |
Macintosh PPD | 150 |
Manual Scale | 209, 246 |
Manual Selection | 326, 334 |
Memory | 238 |
Menu Bar Options | 328 |
Menu Tabs | 207 |
Method | 320 |
Mirror | 229 |
Model | 331 |
N |
Name | 326, 331, 334 |
Negative/Positive | 229 |
Network Discovery | 332 |
Never generate Type 42 format | 267 |
Normal Print | 215 |
Notification | 318, 319 |
Novell iPrint | 26, 143 |
Novell Printing | 25, 118 |
Number of Copies | 212 |
Number of pages per Sheet | 253 |
Number of pages per sheet | 225 |
Number Pages from Right to Left | ....... 224, 252 |
O |
Orientation | 212, 264, 279 |
Original Paper Size | 209, 246, 259 |
Outer Margin | 224, 252 |
Output Document Layout | 223, 251 |
Output Format | 231 |
Overlay Image | 228, 258 |
P |
Page per Sheet | 282 |
Page per sheet | 268 |
Pages | 264, 281 |
Paper | 263 |
Paper Size | 279 |
Paper Source | 211, 265 |
Paper Type | 211 |
Parallel Port Connection | 22 |
Parallel Printing | 22, 27 |
PCL Fonts | 364 |
Pedestal | 196, 237 |
Physical Address | 331 |
Point and Print | 96 |
Port | 321 |
PostScript | 17 |
PostScript Error | 287 |
PostScript Settings | 229 |
PPD | 18, 200 |
Preferred Format | 267 |
Preview window | 208 |
Primary Tab Dialog | 210 |
Print Color | 266 |
Print Cover Page | 266, 286 |
Print Document | 285 |
Print Error Information | 231 |
Print in | 265 |
Print Job Status Messages | 342 |
Print Job Tab | 207 |
Print Mode | 273, 288, 289 |
Print on Both Sides | 269, 283 |
Print on first page only | 228, 255 |
Print Options | 203 |
Print over the document | 229 |
Print Paper Size | 210, 246, 259 |
Print Queue | 321 |
Print to Overlay File | 216, 243 |
printer description file | 200 |
Printer Drivers | 17, 20, 21 |
Printer Icon | 330 |
Printer Image | 331 |
INDEX | 369 |