Additional features
Outgoing call privacy
You can restrict the information for outgoing calls from your IP Deskphone by configuring the Outgoing Call Privacy setting.
To configure Outgoing Call Privacy:
1.Press the Prefs
2.Choose one of the following:
—Press the Change
—Press the Back
3.Press the Up/Down navigation key to highlight one of the following:
—None (no restriction)
—Name (restricts only the name)
—Address (restricts only the address)
—All (restricts name and number)
Multiple Appearance Directory Number
Multiple Appearance Directory Number (MADN), also known as Bridge Line Appearance, and using Single Call Appearance (SCA) allows multiple IP Deskphones to appear as a single line to the caller. Any of the IP Deskphones with an active MADN feature can initiate or answer a call,