Incoming call while dialing outbound number + held call with priority lower then incoming call
When you enter the first digit or character to make a new call, then any call that comes in during this time is not presented.
If the held call is lower in precedence than the incoming call, the held call can be preempted and a notification is shown on screen for both local and remote users. You receive notification that the your held call has been preempted. See Figure 88.
After three seconds, or after you press the OK soft key on the preemption screen, you are then taken back to the previous screen where you were entering the address for your outgoing call. Your previously entered digits are not discarded.
Figure 88: Notification of preemption of held call
This temporary disturbance is allowed because the held call was known to you and you need to know that the call on hold has been preempted.
The incoming call that preempted the held call is shown when:
•you complete dialing the call and a ring or busy signal is heard. It may be possible that the outgoing call can be preempted but only after ring or busy signal is heard. The incoming call is presented if the incoming call has not hung up. You can decide to answer the new incoming call