Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Display Message
Current Server IP Address: Indicates the configured server currently in use for authentication
Number of configured servers: The configured IP address of the authentication server
Number of retransmits: The configured value of the maximum number of times a request packet is retransmitted
Timeout Duration: The configured timeout value, in seconds, for request
RADIUS Accounting Mode: Disable or Enabled radius accounting
This command is used to display the configured RADIUS accounting mode, accounting server, and the statistics for the configured accounting server.
show radius accounting [statistics <ipaddr>]
<ipaddr> - is an IP Address.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Display Message
If the optional token 'statistics <ipaddr>' is not included, then only the accounting mode and the RADIUS accounting server details are displayed.
RADIUS Accounting Mode: Enabled or disabled
IP Address: The configured IP address of the RADIUS accounting server
Port: The port in use by the RADIUS accounting server
Secret Configured: Yes or No
If the optional token 'statistics <ipaddr>' is included, the statistics for the configured RADIUS accounting server are displayed. The IP address parameter must match that of a previously configured RADIUS accounting server. The following information regarding the statistics of the RADIUS accounting server is displayed.
RADIUS Accounting Server IP Address: IP Address of the configured RADIUS accounting server
Round Trip Time: The time interval in centiseconds, between the most recent Accounting- Response and the