Non-Configurable Data
Router Interface - The IP address of the router interface for which configuration information was requested.
Neighboring router's IP Address - The IP address of the neighboring router. Metric - The routing metric for this router.
TTL Threshold - The
Flags - The flags indicating whether the router is an IGMP querier or whether or not it has neighbors (leaf router).
Command Buttons
New Mrinfo - Redirect the web browser to the Mrinfo Run screen so that you can initiate another mrinfo command.
Refresh - Refresh the content of the screen with the latest data available on the router. Typically, it takes around 20 seconds to process the results after you have initiated the mrinfo command. The contents of the screen have to be refreshed to display the latest results.
Configuring Mstat Run Page
Use this screen to initiate an mstat command on the router. You can use the mstat command to see the
Configurable Data
Source IP - Enter the IP address of the
Receiver IP - Enter the IP address of the host to which the mstat response will be sent by the last hop router. If a value is not entered, the IP address of the router interface through which the mstat will be sent is used.
Group IP - Enter the multicast address of the group to be traced. If you leave this field blank, the multicast address will be used. Valid addresses are through
Command Buttons
Submit - Initiate the mstat command on the router. If the mstat command completes successfully the browser will display the Mstat Show screen. If the mstat command fails, you will see the Mstat Run screen again.