copy startup-config <sourcefilename> <url>
copy {errorlog | log | traplog} <url>
copy script <sourcefilename> <url>
where <url>={xmodem | tftp://ipaddr/path/file}
<sourcefilename> - The filename of a configuration file or a script file.
<url> - xmodem or tftp://ipaddr/path/file.
errorlog - event Log file.
log - message Log file.
traplog - trap Log file.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Privileged Exec
Files download from PC to board
copy <url> startup-config <destfilename>
copy <url> image <destfilename>
copy <url> {sshkey-rsa1 | sshkey-rsa2 | sshkey-dsa}
copy <url> {sslpem-root | sslpem-server | sslpem-dhweak | sslpem-dhstrong}
copy <url> script <destfilename>
where <url>={xmodem | tftp://ipaddr/path/file}
<destfilename> - name of the image file or the script file.
<url> - xmodem or tftp://ipaddr/path/file.
sshkey-rsa1 - SSH RSA1 Key file.
sshkey-rsa2 - SSH RSA2 Key file.
sshkey-dsa - SSH DSA Key file.