This command sets the frame acceptance mode per interface. For VLAN Only mode, untagged frames or priority frames received on this interface are discarded. For Admit All mode, untagged frames or priority frames received on this interface are accepted and assigned the value of the interface VLAN ID for this port. With either option, VLAN tagged frames are forwarded in accordance with the IEEE 802.1Q VLAN Specification.
tagged - VLAN only mode. all - Admit all mode.
no - This command sets the frame acceptance mode per interface to Admit All. For Admit All mode, untagged frames or priority frames received on this interface are accepted and assigned the value of the interface VLAN ID for this port. With either option, VLAN tagged frames are forwarded in accordance with the IEEE 802.1Q VLAN Specification.
Default Setting
Admit all
Command Mode
Interface Config
This command sets the frame acceptance mode for all interfaces. For VLAN Only mode, untagged frames or priority frames received on this interface are discarded. For Admit All mode, untagged frames or priority frames received on this interface are accepted and assigned the value of the interface VLAN ID for this port. With either option, VLAN tagged frames are forwarded in accordance with the IEEE 802.1Q VLAN Specification.
tagged - VLAN only mode.
all – One is for Admit all mode. The other one is for all interfaces.
no - This command sets the frame acceptance mode for all interfaces to Admit All. For Admit All mode, untagged frames or priority frames received on this interface are accepted and assigned the value of the