Copying Running Configuration to Flash Page
Use this menu to copy a
Configurable Data
File Name - Enter the name you want to give the file being copied. You may enter up to 32 characters. The factory default is blank.
Non-Configurable Data
The last row of the table is used to display information about the progress of the file copy. The screen will refresh automatically until the file copy completes.
Command Buttons
Copy to File - Send the updated screen to the switch perform the file copy.
Defining Ping Function Page
Use this screen to tell the switch to send a Ping request to a specified IP address. You can use this to check whether the switch can communicate with a particular IP station. Once you click the Submit button, the switch will send three pings and the results will be displayed below the configurable data. If a reply to the ping is not received, you will see No Reply Received from IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, otherwise you will see Reply received from IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx : (send count = 5, receive count = n).
Configurable Data
IP Address - Enter the IP address of the station you want the switch to ping. The initial value is blank. The IP Address you enter is not retained across a power cycle.
Command Buttons