Viewing Multicast Router VLAN Statistics Page
Selection Criteria
Slot/Port - The select box lists all Slot/Ports. Select the interface for which you want to display the statistics.
Non-Configurable Data
VLAN ID - All Vlan Ids for which the Multicast Router Mode is Enabled
Multicast Router - Multicast Router Mode for Vlan ID.
Configuring Multicast Router VLAN Page
Selection Criteria
Slot/Port - The select box lists all Slot/Ports.Select the interface for which you want Multicast Router to be enabled.
Configurable Data
VLAN ID - VLAN ID for which the Multicast Router Mode is to be Enabled or Disabled. Multicast Router - For the Vlan ID, multicast router may be enabled or disabled using this.
Command Buttons
Submit - Update the switch with the values you entered.