<vlanid> - VLAN ID (Range: 1
no - This command sets the VLAN ID for all interfaces to 1.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Global Config allowed vlan
This command configures the degree of participation for a specific interface in a VLAN. The ID is a valid VLAN identification number, and the interface is a valid interface number.
switchport allowed vlan {add [tagged untagged] remove} <vlanid>
<vlanid> - VLAN ID (Range: 1
add - The interface is always a member of this VLAN. This is equivalent to registration fixed. tagged - All frames transmitted for this VLAN will be tagged.
untagged - All frames transmitted for this VLAN will be untagged.
remove - The interface is removed from the member of this VLAN. This is equivalent to registration forbidden.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Interface Config
This command configures the degree of participation for all interfaces in a VLAN. The ID is a valid VLAN identification number.