TTL - The time to live reported by the name server.
Flag - The flag of the record.
Command Buttons
Refresh - Refresh the page with the latest DNS cache entries.
Clear All - Clear all entries in the DNS cache.
Configuring DNS Host
You can use this screen to change the configuration parameters for the static entry in the DNS table. You can also use this screen to display the contents of the table.
Configurable Data
Domain - Specifies all the existing hosts along with an additional option "Create". When the user selects "Create" another text box "Domain Name" appears where the user may enter host to be configured.
Domain Name - Specifies the domain name of the host. This is a text string of up to 64 characters.
IP Address - Specifies the address of the host. This is a text string of up to 64 characters containing the encoded unicast IP address of a host.
Command Buttons
Submit - Sends the updated configuration to the switch. Configuration changes take effect immediately.
Delete - Deletes the host entry. Sends the updated configuration to the switch. Configuration changes take effect immediately.
Delete All - Deletes all the host entries. Sends the updated configuration to the switch. Configuration changes take effect immediately.