Outputting Plot Files from a PC to an HPGL Compatible Printer

To output the plot files to an HPGL compatible printer, you can use the HPGL initialization sequence linked in a series as follows:

Step 1. Store the HPGL initialization sequence in a hle named hpglinit.

Step 2. Store the exit HPGL mode and form feed sequence in a file named exithpgl.

Step 3. Send the HPGL initialization sequence to the printer.

Step 4. Send the plot file to the printer.

Step 5. Send the exit HPGL mode and form feed sequence to the printer.

Step 1. Store the HPGL initialization sequence.

1.Create a test file by typing in each character as shown in the left hand column of Table 4-6. Do not insert spaces or linefeeds. Most editors allow the inclusion of escape sequences.

For example, in the MS-DOS editor (DOS 5.0 or greater), press CNTRL-P (hold down the CTRL key and press P) followed by the ESCape key to create the escape character.


‘able 4-6. EIPGL Initialization Commands














conditional page eject





page size 8.5 x 11





landscape orientation





(lower case 1, one, capital 0)





no left margin





(a, zero, capitol L)





no right margin





(a, 4, zero, zero, capitol h)





no top margin





(lower case 1, zero, capitol E)




<eso*c768Ox5650Y frame size 10.66”~ 7.847”





(720 decipoints/inch)




<es0 *p5Ox5OY

move cursor to anchor point




<eso *COT

set picture frame anchor point




<eso *r-3U

set CMY palette





enter HPGL mode; cursor at PCL









As shown in ‘Jbble 4-6, the <esc> is the symbol used for the escape character,


decimal value 27.








Printing, Plotting, and Saving Measurement Results 4-23

Page 202
Image 202
HP 8753E manual Store the Hpgl initialization sequence