initialization commands, 4-23

outputting plot files to compatible printer , 4-23

test file commands, 4-24

HPGL/2 compatible printer, configuring to plot, 4-8

HP-IB, 11-15

address capability, 11-18 addresses, 6-112, 11-21 bus structure, 11-16, 11-17 cables, 11-5

connector, l-11 data rate, 11-18 debug mode, 11-24 device types, 11-16 menu, 6-111

message transfer scheme, 11-18 multiple-controller capability, 1 1 - 18 operation, 11-16

operational capabilities, 11-19 pass control mode, 6-112 requirements, 11-18

status indicators, 6-112, 11-20 system controller mode, 6-112 talker/listener mode, 6-112

HP-IB connector, 7-19 humidity conditions, 7-20



how defined for mixers, 3-2 IF bandwidth, 6-52

how to widen, 5-52

IFC (interface clear) control line, 11-17 IF delay, detecting, 5-50

IF detection, 6-5 imaginary format, 6-37 impedance

specifications, 7-l 1 impedance conversion, 1 l-2 increase

test port power, 5-56 increasing

dyhamic range, 5-56 sweep speed, 5-50

increasing measurement accuracy, 5-2 information messages, 10-2

initializing DOS, 11-5

LIF, 11-5

input ports menu, 6-31

inserting a sequence command, 2-71 insertion phase and magnitude response

measurement, 2-37

instrument modes, 6-l 17-124 external source, 6-l 17 frequency offset, 6-120 harmonic, 6-123

network analyzer, 6-l 17 tuned receiver, 6- 119

instrument state, 6-110-116 contents, 4-33

deleting all files, 4-41 deleting a single IIle, 4-41 memory requirements, 12-3 saving, 4-33, 4-35

instrument state in memory, 12-1 instrument states in memory, 12-2 interconnect devices,max.number, 11-18 interconnecting cables, 5-2 interconnection cable,max. length, 11-18 interface

addresses, 1 l-2 1 cables, 1 l-5 GPIO, l-11 parallel, l-11, 7-19 RS-232, l-11

interface clear (IFC) control line, 11-17 interface function codes, 7-17 interface functions

controller, 11-16 listener, 11-16 talker, 11-16

interface port configuration, 11-13

internal memory data retention, 4-33 register contents, 4-33

interpolated calibration restoring, 12-6

interpolated error-correction, 5-6, 6-79 interpolated error correction, 2-10 isolation, 6-60

calibration, 6-80 measurements for mixers, 3-33 (reverse) and gain measurement, 2-59


keyboard connector, l-11 keyboard (mini-DIN), 7-19 keyboards, 1 l-6

keyboards, controlling the analyzer with, 11-6

keyboard template, 1 l-6

keyboard, using to title the display, 2-9 key definitions, 9-l

key menu maps, 8-l keys

active channel, 6-8


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HP 8753E manual Hpgl, LIF Input ports menu