Rear Panel Features and Connectors



Figure 1-3. HP 8753E Bear Panel

Figure l-3 illustrates the features and connectors of the rear panel, described below. Requirements for input signals to the rear panel connectors are provided in Chapter 7, “Specifications and Measurement Uncertanuies n

1.HP-Ill connector. This allows you to connect the analyzer to an external controller, compatible peripherals, and other instruments for an automated system. Refer to the “Compatible Peripherals” chapter in this document for HP-IB information, limitations, and coniigurations

2.PARALLEL interface. This connector allows the analyzer to output to a peripheral with a parallel input. Also included, is a general purpose input/output (GPIO) bus that can control eight output bits and read five input bits through test sequencing. Refer to the “Compatible Peripherals” chapter for information on con@uing a peripheral. Also refer to “Application and Operation Concepts” for information on GPIO.

3.RS-232 interface This connector allows the analyzer to output to a peripheral with an W-232 (serial) input.

4.KEYBOARD input (mini-DIN). This connector allows you to connect an external keyboard. This provides a more convenient means to enter a title for storage ties, as well as substitute for the analyzer’s front panel keyboard.

5.Power cord receptacle, with fuse. For information on replacing the fuse, refer to the

HP87533 Network Anulgzer Instullution and Quick Start Guide or the

HP 87533 Network Analps- Seruice Guide.

6.Line voltage selector switch. For more information refer to the HP 87533 Network

Analyzer Installation and Quick Start Guide.

7.l%.n. This fan provides forced-air cooling for the analyzer.



HP 8753E Description and Options l-1 1

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HP 8753E manual Rear Panel Features and Connectors, n. This fan provides forced-air cooling for the analyzer