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leads to a series of menus used to deline limits or specifications with which to compare a test device. Refer to Limit Lines and Limit Testing.

turns limit testing on or off. When limit testing is on, the data is compared with the defined limits at each measured point. Limit tests occur at the end of each sweep, whenever the data is updated, when formatted data is changed, and when limit testing is hrst turned on.

Limit testing is available for both magnitude and phase values in Cartesian formats. In polar and Smith chart formats, the value tested depends on the marker mode and is the magnitude or the fist value in a complex pair The message “NO LIMIT LINES DISPLAYED” is displayed in polar and Smith chart formats if limit lines are turned on.

Five indications of pass or fail status are provided when limit testing is on. A PASS or FAIL message is displayed at the right of the LCD. The trace vector leading to any measured point that is out of limits is set to red at the end of every limit test, both on a displayed plot and a hard copy plot. The limit fail beeper sounds if it is turned on. In a listing of values using the copy menu, an asterisk * is shown next to any measured point that is out of limits. A bit is set in the HP-IB status byte.

puts the result of a limit test into the display title.

leads to the limit type menu, where one of three segment types can be selected.

activates a linear frequency sweep displayed on a standard graticule with ten equal horizontal divisions. This is the default preset sweep type.

displays the linear magnitude format. This is a Cartesian format used for unitless measurements such as reflection coefficient magnitude p or transmission coefficient magnitude 7, and for linear measurement units. It is used for display of conversion parameters and time domain transform data.

displays a readout of the linear magnitude and the phase of the active marker. Marker magnitude values are expressed in units; phase is expressed in degrees.

provides access to the Line/Match Menu for TRL/LRM calibration.

selects the line type for the data trace plot. The default line type is 7, which is a solid unbroken line.

selects the line type for the memory trace plot. The default line type is 7.

Key Definitions B-21

Page 510
Image 510
HP 8753E manual Key Definitions B-21