HP 8753E manual Power

Models: 8753E

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Swept List Frequency Sweep (Hz)

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me :;~~~~.~~~;::~~~~~~ softkey a&iv&es a swept l&t frequency sweep, one of two fist

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frequency sweep modes. The swept list mode allows the analyzer to sweep a list of arbitrary frequency points which are defined and modified in a way similar to the stepped list mode.

However, this mode takes data while swe&ng through the defined frequency points, increasing throughput by up to 6 times over a stepped sweep. In addition, this mode allows the test port

power and IF bandwidth to be set independently for each segment that is delined. The only

restriction is that you cannot specify overlapping frequency segments.

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Sma~= to stepped l&t mode, the '~~~~~~~!:~~~~~ s&key &o provides access to the

segment menu. However, swept list mode expands the way segments can be dehned. See below for information on how to enter or modify the list segments

Swept Edit

List Menu

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me :::~~~:~~~~~~ softkey within the sweep type menu provides acces to the e&t Kc&, menu.

The function of this menu is the same as in the stepped list mode.

Swept Edit Subsweep Menu


Using the ~~~~~ or f$E& softkey within the edit list menu will display the edit subsweep menu. This menu lets you select measurement frequencies arbitrarily. Using this menu it is possible to define the exact frequencies to be measured on a point-by-point basis at specific power levels and IF bandwidth settings. The total sweep is defined with a list of subsweeps.

The frequency subsweeps, or segments, can be delined in any of the following terms:

nstart/stop/number of points/power/IFBW


ncenter/span/number of points/power/IFBW


See “Setting Segment Power” and “Setting Segment IF Bandwidth” for information on how to set the segment power and IF bandwidth.

The subsweeps may be entered in any particular order but they cannot overlap. The analyzer sorts the segments automatically and lists them on the display in order of increasing start frequency, even if they are entered in center/span format. The data is shown on the display as a single trace that is a composite of all data taken. The trace may appear uneven because of the distribution of the data points, but the frequency scale is linear across the total range.

Once the list frequencies have been dellned or modified, the list frequency sweep mode can be

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s&x-&d w&h& ~~~~~~~~~~~. sofeeyhthe weep type menu. me frequency list


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.......c.A..............~...~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~....... /..w._/>2../.v; ~


parameters can also be saved with an instrument state.


Setting Segment


z<E ~~~~~~:<~‘~.:~~~.~~ : : : : :,,::~~~~~~~~~~:~~:~~~~~. .:



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in the edit

m enable the ~~~.,:~~,~~~ fM&ion, you must first s&e&, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

subsweep me~~~~~~~~~~~~

off by default and the asterisks>...A......that/........~........... .......appear~...............i ............==;;~;;~;;;.;;;;;~;~~~;in. the..................LL;;“power”..G..v

column of the list table indicate that power for the sweep is being set by the normal analyzer power controls.

Application and Operation Concepte 6-25

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HP 8753E manual Power