6.To measure the standard, when the displayed trace has settled, press:

The analyzer displays WAIT -, MEXWFlING..;, CAL STANDARD during the standard measurement. The analyzer underlines the @!?Zl& softkey after it measures the standard.

7.Disconnect the open, and connect a short circuit to PORT 1.

8.To measure the device, when the displayed trace has settled, press:

* ,.

The analyzer measures the short circuit and underlines the ;..h$..~@B?- softkey

9.Disconnect the short, and connect an impedance-matched load to PORT 1.

10. To measure the standard, when the displayed trace has settled, press:

___... ,. .,. :

The analyzer measures the load and underlines the ‘@@ softkey.


Repeat the open-short-load measurements described above,.. but connect the devices in turn


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to pORT 2, ad use the ~~~~~~~~~.,: ~~~~~~~~~~

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Include any adapters that you would include in your device measurement.





To compute the reflection correction coefficients, press:






13. V’,), s&& the trms,,$ssion pofion of the corre&ion, press ~~~~~~~~~~~










;:..,.. . . . . . . . . . . .......~<<.>E<<...; /..................... <<<.z *




14.Make a “thru” connection between the points where you will connect your device under test as shown in F’igure 5-7.


Include any adapters or cables that you will have in the device measurement.


That is, connect the standard device where you will connect your device under





5-22 Optimizing Measurement Results

Page 244
Image 244
HP 8753E manual To pORT 2, ad use the ~~~~~~~~~., ~~~~~~~~~~