Reference Documents

Hewlett-Packard Company, “Simplify Your Amplifier and Mixer Testing” 5056-4363

Hewlett-Packard Company, “RF and Microwave Device Test for the ’00s - Seminar Papers” 5001~88043

Hewlett-Packard Company ‘%sting Amplifiers and Active Devices with the HP 8720 Network Analyzer” Product Note 8720-l 5091-1942E

Hewlett-Packard Company “Mixer Measurements Using the HP 8753 Network Analyzer” Product Note 8753-2A 5052-2771

General Measurement and Calibration Techniques

Rytting, Doug, “Effects of Uncorrected RF Performance in a Vector Network Analyzer,” from “Microwave Journal,” April 1991

Blacka, Robert J., “TDR Gated Measurements of Stripline Terminations, n Reprint from “Microwave Product Digest,” HP publication no. 5052-0350, March/Aprii 1989

Montgomery, David, “Borrowing RF lbchniques for Digital Design,” Reprint from “Computer Design” HP publication number 5052-0335, May 1982

Rytting, Doug, “Advances in Microwave Error Correction Thxhniques,” Hewlett-Packard RF and Microwave Measurement Symposium paper HP publication number 5954-8378, June 1987

Rytting, Doug, “Improved RF Hardware and Calibration Methods for Network Analyzers,” Hewlett-Packard RF and Microwave Measurement Symposium paper, 1991

Dunsmore, Joel, “Add Power-Meter Accuracy to a Network Analyzer,” from “Microwaves and RF,” January 1991

Fixtures and Non-Coaxial Measurements

Hewlett-Packard Company, “Applying the HP 8510 TRL Calibration for Nor&oar&I Measurements, n Product Note 8510-8A HP publication number 5091-36453, February 1992

Hewlett-Packard Company, “Measuring Chip Capacitors with the HP 8520C Network Analyzers and Inter-Continental Microwave Test Fixtures” Product Note 8510-17 HP publication number 5001-56743, September 1992

Hewlett-Packard Company, “In-Fixture Microstrip Device Measurement Using TRL* Calibration,” Product Note 8720-2 HP publication number 5091-1943E, August 1991

Hewlett-Packard Company, “Calibration and Modeling Using the HP 83040 Modular Microcircuit Package,” Product Note 83040-2 HP publication number 5052-1007, May 1990

“Test Fixtures and Calibration Standards,” Inter-Continental Microwave Product Catalog HP publication number 5001-42543

Cur-ran, Jim, “Network Analysis of Fixtured Devices,” Hewlett-Packard RF and Microwave Measurement Symposium paper, HP publication number 5054-8346, September 1986

Curran, Jim, “TRL Calibration for Non-Coaxial Measurements, ’ Hewlett-Packard Semiconductor Test Symposium paper

Ehnore, Glenn and Louis SaIz, “Quality Microwave Measurement of Packaged Active Devices,” Hewlett-Packard Journal, February 1987

“Measurement Techniques for Fixtured Devices, n HP 8510/8720 News HP publication number 5052-2766, June 1990

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HP 8753E manual Reference Documents, General Measurement and Calibration Techniques, Fixtures and Non-Coaxial Measurements