The CITINe Keyword Reference


Explanation and Examples


CITIFILE A. 01.01 identifies the Ele as a CITIflle, and indicates the


revision level of the llle. The CITIflle keyword and revision code must


precede any other keywords. The CITIlile keyword at the beginning


of the package assures the device reading the file that the data that


follows is in the CITIllle format. The revision number allows for future


extensions of the CITIflle standard. The revision code shown here


following the CITIflle keyword indicates that the machine writing this


file is using the A.O1.O1 version of CITIille as dellned here. Any future


extensions of CITIflle will increment the revision code.


NAME CAL-SET allows the current CITIllle “package” to be named. The


name of the package should be a single word with no embedded spaces.


A list of standard package names follows:






Uncorrected data.



Data that has been error corrected. When only a



single data array exists, it should be named DATA.



Corrected and formatted data.



Data trace stored for comparison purposes.



Coefficients used for error correction.



Description of the standards used



Delay coefficients for calibration.


VAR FREQ MAG 201 defines the name of the independent variable


(FREQ), the format of values in a VARLIST~BEGIN table (MAG, if


used), and the number of data points (201). Typical names for the


independent variable are FREQ (in Hz), TIME (in seconds), and POWER


(in dBm). For the VARLIST-BEGIN table, only the “MAG” format is


supported at this point.


#NA POWER1 1 .OEl allows variables specific to a particular type of


device to be defined. The pound sign (#) tells the device reading the


file that the following variable is for a particular device. The “NA”


shown here indicates that the information is for a Network Analyzer.


This convention allows new devices to be defined without fear of


conflict with keywords for previously deilned devices The device


identiiler (i.e. NA) may be any number of characters.


SEG,LIST-BEGIN indicates that a list of segments for the independent


variable follow. Format for the segments is: [segment type] [start]


[stop] [number of points]. The current implementation only


supports a single segment. If there is more than one segment, the


VARLIST~BEGIN construct is used. CITIfiIe revision A.0140 supports


only the SEG (linear segment) segment type.


SEG,LIST-END defines the end of a list of independent variable




The ClTlfile Data Fomat and Keyword Reference A-7

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HP 8753E manual CITINe Keyword Reference