4. Store the modified calibration kit.

For a step by step procedure on how to modify calibration kits, refer to “Modifying Calibration Kit Standards” located in Chapter 5, “Cptimizing Measurement Results. n

Modify Calibration Kit Menu

.. .,. / _ ,., _

'I'& ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ softkey h the cd kit menu provides access to the modify cabration kit

. . . . '....::~.~:.....~...~~:.P

menu. This leads in turn to additional series of menus associated with modifying calibration kits The following is a description of the softkeys located within this menu:

.f<.; :,:;;<; ,:;.: ..,. ..:_:






n:~~~~~~;~... .~~~~~., makes the standard number the active function, and brings up the

..i . . . . . . . . .i....:~..~~~....:..::..:~. T :./ . . . . .

define standard menus. Before selecting a standard, a standard number must be entered.

This number (1 to 8) is an arbitrary reference number used to reference standards while specifying a class. The standard numbers for the predeilned calibration kits are as follows:

1short(m) 2 open(m)

3 broadband load

4t h r u

5sliding load

6lowband load


8open (0

Note Although the numbering sequences are arbitrary, confusion can be mhdmized by using consistency. However, standard 5 is always a sliding load.


~~~~~~~~~~~: leads to the specify class menu. After the aa&&s me mo&fied, use this

key to specify a class to group certain standards

.,. .,. .,. _

_ .,.,.... .,

~~~~~~~~~ leads to the label class menu, to give the class a meaningfuI label for future

I._.. ;:..:..:.



reference. _ _ ..,.,. ,. _....,

~~~~~~~~i leads to a menu for constructing a label for the user-modified cal kit. If a label is supplied, it will appear as one of the five softkey choices in the select cal kit menu. The approach is similar to defining a display title, except that the kit label is limited to ten characters.

~~~~~~~~~~ brings up the m Option menu.

j~:~.~~:.~,.~:.~~,.~~~~;;~;;~~~:,~~,~,.~;~,.~~~~~:.~;~~~:.~,.~,.,~,.; .;.; :<.,,,~.,.,,,.,.,,,,.,.,,.,,,,,. _

~~~,:;~~~~~,~~,;~~~~~~~~~~ tern-&&es the cabration kit m&&&ion process, after a,ll ............._.____..~~................;;.>;.;;~~~;..>~......(.........(.(.,.,(.(.(.,.(.,.;;;;,,,,.,.,,,,,,.,.,.,_,, ",_.,.,,.,.,.,.,,

standards are deilned and all classes are specified. Be sure to save the kit with the


.::.:..;,...;.;.;..........A i,,;.,.,.,.,.,.,;.; ....;


,.,,. /..

~~~~~~~~~~ ,&&ey, if it & to be us& later.


. ...i

i..... ii.



...:........A.. iii. ;~;~~~. ..

..~~~.... ....~ ~.~..~..~.

6.64Application and Operation Concepts

Page 365
Image 365
HP 8753E manual Modify Calibration Kit Menu