searches the directory of the disk for Iile names recognized as belonging to an instrument state, and displays them in the softkey labels. No more than five titles are displayed at one time. If there are more than five, repeatedly pressing this key causes the next five to be displayed. If there are fewer than five, the remaining softkey labels are blanked.

is a disk tile directory command. Pressing this softkey will read the first six sequence titles and display them in the softkey labels as described in Loading a Sequence When the Title Is Not Known. These sequences can then be loaded into internal memory.

If R&l$ S&J .$&,&!-.~XTL$ is pressed again, the next six sequence titles on the disk will be displayed. lb read the contents of the disk starting again with the Ilrst sequence:

remove the disk, reinsert it into the drive, and press ,.- ,:(,bEc +-I&g --is,.

displays only the real (resistive) portion of the measured data on a Cartesian format. This is similar to the linear magnitude format, but can show both positive and negative values. It is primarily used for analyzing responses in the time domain, and also to display an auxiliary input voltage signal for service purposes.

Press this key after selecting the 6le associated with port 1 error correction for adapter removal calibration.

Press this key after selecting the llle associated with port 2 error correction for adapter removal calibration.

recalls the previously saved modified version of the color set. This key appears only when a color set has been saved.

provides access to the recall keys menu where specific registers can be recalled.

presents the recall keys menu as the initial menu when @ZQGiF) has been pressed.

recalls the instrument state saved in register 1.

recalls the instrument state saved in register 2.

recalls the instrument state saved in register 3.

recalls the instrument state saved in register 4.

recalls the instrument state saved in register 5.

recalls the instrument state saved in register 6.

recalls the instrument state saved in register 7.

9-36 Key Definitions

Page 525
Image 525
HP 8753E manual Key Definitions