1.1–4: Arp. A (Arpeggio Play A)

1.1–5: Arp. B (Arpeggio Play B)

Here you can select the arpeggiator settings for the combina- tion. A combination can run two arpeggiators simulta- neously. Arpeggiator parameters can be edited in 6.1: Edit- Arp., but certain major parameters can be edited in these pages as well. You can edit these parameters in realtime, for example by changing the arpeggio pattern while playing in COMBI 1.1: Play.

To save the edits you make, use “Write Combination.” The arpeggiator can also be edited in realtime by the REALTIME CONTROLS C-mode [TEMPO] knob, [ARP-GATE] knob, and [ARP-VELOCITY] knob. (BG p.27)




1.1–4(5)a: Arpeggiator Run, Timbre assign

Arpeggiator Run A, B (Run A, B)

[Off, On]

When the [ARP ON/OFF] key is on, any arpeggiator that is checked here will run if it is assigned to a timbre in “Assign” (6.1–1b).

Even if the arpeggiator is on, you can turn A and B on/off independently.

This parameter can also be set from the 6.1: Ed-Arp. Setup page.

Timbre assign

This displays the timbres 1–8 to which arpeggiators A and B are assigned. This can be set in “Assign” (6.1–1b).

1.1–4(5)b: Arpeggiator A(B)


[P000....P004, U000(INT)...U215(User)]

Reso (Resolution)

[ , ,

, , , ]




[1, 2, 3, 4]




[Off, On]




[Off, On]

Key Sync.



[Off, On]




[Off, On]

Sets the various parameters of the combination arpeggiator (“PROG: Ed–Arp.”). These parameters can also be set in COMBI 6.1: Ed-Arp.

1.1–4(5)c: UTILITY

“Write Combination,” “Solo Selected Timbre,” “Select by Category” (1.1–1c)

COMBI 2.1: Ed–Prog/Mixer

2.1–1: Prog (Timbre Program)

Indicates the bank and program for each timbre 1–8. These parameters can also be set from the 1.1: Play, Prog page.



2.1–1a: Program Select, Program Name

Program Select

Indicates the program that will be used by each timbre. (1.1–2c)

Program Name

This displays part of the program name selected for each timbre. (1.1–2c)

2.1–1b: UTILITY

“Write Combination,” “Solo Selected Timbre” (1.1–1c),“Select by Category (Category/Combi, Category/Prog T1...T8)” (1.1–2e)

2.1–2: Mix (Mixer)

Specifies the pan and volume for each timbre 1–8. These parameters can also be set from the 1.1: Play, Mixer page.



2.1–2a: Pan, Volume


Sets the pan of each timbre 1–8. (1.1–3a)


Sets the volume of each timbre 1–8. (1.1–3a)

2.1–1b: UTILITY

“Write Combination,” “Solo Selected Timbre” (1.1–1c)

7.2 7.1 6.1 4.4 4.3 4.2 4.1 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 2.2 2.1 1.1 COMBI


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Korg Electric Keyboard manual Combi 2.1 Ed-Prog/Mixer