You can even input notes as shown in the following dia- gram.

Step Time =

Step Time =

Step Time =





Press E and C

Release E (continue holding C)

Press G

Deleting a note or rest

To delete a note or rest, press the [F6] (“Back”) key. The location will move backward by the amount specified in 4, and the data in that interval will be deleted.

Auditioning the next note before input

If you wish to make sure of the next note before you actu- ally input it, press the [PAUSE] key (the LED will light). Now when you press a key, you will hear sound but the note will not be input. Press the [PAUSE] key once again (the LED will go dark) to cancel the pause mode and resume input.

8When you are finished with step recording, press the [F8] (“Done”) key. If you press the [COMPARE] key, you will return to the condition of before you began step record- ing.

Event Edit

Here you can edit individual events of music data that were input.

1Use “Track Select” to select the track that you wish to edit, and use the Track Edit tab “Measure (From)” field to specify the measure at which you wish to begin editing.

2If you selected Track01–16 in “Track Select,” selecting this command will open the Set Event Filters dialog box.

In the Set Event Filters dialog box you can select the types of events (musical data) that will appear and can be edited in the event edit window.

For “Note” you can set “Btm (Bottom)” and “Top” to specify the range of notes. These settings can also be entered by holding down the [ENTER] key and pressing a key. Normally you will leave these set at C–1and G9. “Control Change” lets you specify the control change number. Normally you will leave this set at ALL.

If you selected Master Track in “Track Select,” this dialog box will not appear.

You can also check various other events (“Pitch Bend,” “Program Change,” “After Touch,” and “Poly After Touch”).

3Press the [F8] (“OK”) key to open the Event Edit dialog box.



Location within the


Index no.

measure (beat, clock)

Event data

4Use the cursor keys [ ], [ ], [ ], [] to select the event that you wish to edit.

You can also press the [F1] (“JUMP”) key and use “M (Measure)” and “Index” so that the events of the measure being edited and the index number within that measure are displayed at the beginning of the dialog box.

5Select the event that you wish to edit, and use the [VALUE] dial etc. to modify its value(s).

By modifying the value of the “Bt” (Beat. Tick) location within the measure, you can move the event within the measure.

You can edit each event by modifying its data value(s). When you select a note event, it will sound.

6You can press the keys located at the function of the dia- log box to edit events as follows.

Inserting an event

Select the “Bt” location where you wish to insert an event, and press the [F4] (“Insert”) key to insert an event.

Deleting an event

Select the event that you wish to delete, and press the [F5] (“Cut”) key to delete the event.

Moving an event

You can use the [F5] (“Cut”) key and [F4] (“Insert”) key to move an event (by “cut and paste”).

Use the [F5] (“Cut”) key to delete the event that you wish to move, then use the [F4] (“Insert”) key to insert it at the desired location.

You can also move an event by modifying its “Bt” value.

Copying an event

Select the event that you wish to copy, and press the [F6] (“Copy”) key. Then select the copy destination and press the [F4] (“Insert”) key to insert the event at that location.

7The end of the pattern is indicated as End of Pattern. When you are finished event editing, press the [F8] (“OK”) key. If you press the [COMPARE] key, you will return to the state before you began event editing.

The following table shows the types of musical data that can be edited by “Event Edit” and the range of their val- ues.

BAR (displayed only)

Meter: 1/4...16/16 *1

(Measure line)

(Time signature)




C–1...G9 *2

Val: 1...127 *2

L: 000.000...15984.000

(Note data)


(Length: beats, clocks)






Val: 0...127

(Polyphonic after

(Note number)









#: 0...101

Val: 0...127

(Control change)

(Control change num-









Bnk: A...D, 000...127,

No.: 0...127, 1...128


G, g(d), - - -

(G, g(d))

(Program change)

(Program bank)

(Program number)







(After Touch)









(Pitch bend)






*1:Be aware that since the time signature is recorded in the master track, modifying it from any track will affect the same measure of all tracks, causing them to be played in that time signature.

*2:Note data and velocity values can also be entered by holding down the [ENTER] key and playing a note on the keyboard.

Pattern numbers will be displayed in locations in which a pattern has been “put” (placed). At the end of the track there will be an indication of End of Track.

7.2 7.1 6.1 5.2 5.1 4.4 4.3 4.2 4.1 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 2.2 2.1 1.2 1.1 SEQ


Page 82
Image 82
Korg Electric Keyboard manual Deleting a note or rest, Auditioning the next note before input, Inserting an event