3.3–3b: UTILITY

“Write Combination,” “Solo Selected Timbre” (1.1–1c)

COMBI 3.4: Ed–Vel Zone

(Velocity Zone)

Sets the Top/Bottom Velocity parameters to specify the range of velocities that will sound each timbre 1–8, and sets the Top/Bottom Slope parameters to specify the range over which the volume will change.

By setting two or more timbres to velocity zones that do not overlap, you can use variations in playing dynamics to play different sounds (Velocity Switch).

If you set two or more timbres to velocity zones that overlap, the sounds will be heard together (Layer).

If the slope ranges (gray line) overlap, different sounds will be sounded together, and your playing dynamics will deter- mine the proportion of each sound (Velocity Cross-fade).

3.4–1: Vel (Velocity Zone)




3.4–1a: Velocity Zone Map (1)

Bottom Slope

Top Slope







Bottom Velocity



Top Velocity

This displays the range of velocities that will sound the cur- rently selected timbre. The range of velocities sounded is shown as a line, and the slope portion is shaded.

3.4–1b: Top Velocity, Bottom Velocity

Top Velocity


Specifies the maximum velocity value that each timbre 1–8 will sound.

Bottom Velocity


Specifies the minimum velocity value that each timbre 1–8 will sound.

You can also set this parameter by holding down the [ENTER] key and playing a note.

It is not possible to set the bottom velocity greater than the top velocity for the same timbre. Nor can the top slope and the bottom slope overlap.

3.4–1c: UTILITY

“Write Combination,” “Solo Selected Timbre” (1.1–1c)

3.4–2: Slope (Velocity Slope)



3.4–2a: Top Slope, Bottom Slope

Top Slope


Specifies the number of velocity steps over which the origi- nal volume will be reached, starting from the Top Velocity.

0:The volume will be at the original value from the top velocity.

120:The volume will decrease as the velocity approaches the top velocity.

Bottom Slope


Specifies the number of velocity steps over which the origi- nal volume will be reached, starting from the Bottom Veloc- ity.

0:The volume will be at the original value from the bottom velocity.

120:The volume will decrease as the velocity approaches the bottom velocity.

How volume will change according to key position



Bottom Slope

Top Slope

Bottom Velocity

Top Velocity

3.4–2b: UTILITY

“Write Combination,” “Solo Selected Timbre” (1.1–1c)

3.4–3: Review



3.4–3a: Velocity Zone Map (All)


Displays the range of velocities that each timbre will respond to.

The range of velocities sounded is shown as a line, and the slope portion is shaded.

3.4–3b: UTILITY

“Write Combination,” “Solo Selected Timbre” (1.1–1c)


Page 47
Image 47
Korg Electric Keyboard manual Combi 3.4 Ed-Vel Zone