Hide unknown file

Select “Hide unknown file” in the utility menu and press the [F8] key. A check mark will appear at the left of “Hide unknown file.” With this setting, undefined files will not be displayed in the directory window. However, this is effec- tive only if the current directory is a DOS directory.


Select “Translation” in the utility menu and press the [F8] key. A check mark will appear at the left of “Translation.” With this setting, .KMP (Korg multisample parameter) files and .KSF (Korg sample file) DOS file names will be dis- played as the multisample name or sample name used in Sampling mode (if the EXB-SMPL option is installed).

Load selected

This command loads into internal memory the file or direc- tory that was selected in the “directory window” (1.1–1b). When you choose “Load selected” from the Utility menu, a dialog box will appear. The dialog box will differ depending on the type of file to be loaded.

If the file to load cannot be found, or when loading a file that was saved in parts

When loading multisample or sample data files (if sample data RAM is installed), and the TRITON Le cannot find a necessary file in the current directory or in a lower directory, a dialog box like the one shown below (“Where is a ...”) will be displayed. This will appear in the following situations.

When loading a .KSC file (when sample data RAM is installed), if the .KMP file used by it cannot be found

When loading a .KMP file (when sample data RAM is installed), if the .KSF file cannot be found

When loading an AKAI S1000/S3000 format Program file (when sample data RAM is installed), if the Sample file cannot be found

When loading a .KSF file (when sample data RAM is installed) that is larger than the capacity of the media and was saved across multiple volumes of media, when the first volume has finished loading and the second or subsequent volume is needed

If this dialog box appears, take the following action.

1Select the directory that contains the file requested by “Where is a ...” If the requested file is on another volume of media, exchange the media, then press the [MEDIA] key or a function key to make the TRITON Le recognize the media, and then select the directory.

It is not possible to open .PCG or .SNG files in the “Where is a ...” dialog box. The [F6] (“OPEN”) key can- not be used for .PCG or .SNG files.

2Press the [F8] (“Select”) key to resume loading. If you press the [F7] (“Cancel”) key, loading will be halted. If you press the [F3] (“Skip”) key, the specified files will be skipped, and the next file will be loaded.

Except for special cases in which the media containing the specified file has been damaged or is unavailable, press the [F8] (“Select”) key to continue loading.

1) Load .PCG:

selected icon

All data in the .PCG file will be loaded.

1If the current directory contains a .SNG file or .KSC file of the same filename, you can select “Load ********.SNG too” and “Load ********.KSC too”.

If you check “Load ******.SNG too,” the file with an identical name to the .PCG file and an extension of .SNG will also be loaded.

If you check “Load ********.KSC too,” the file with an identical name to the .PCG file and an extension of .KSC will also be loaded.

2If you checked “Load ********.KSC too”, set “.KSC Alloca- tion” to specify how the multisamples and samples within the .KSC file will be loaded.

Append: The data will be loaded into the numbers after the last multisample or sample number currently existing in sample data RAM (i.e., that were previously sampled or loaded). In this case, only the valid multisamples and samples will be loaded, and will be packed without leav- ing vacant numbers (see diagram below).

At this time, programs in the .PCG file that use multisam- ples listed in the .KSC file will automatically have their oscillator multisample settings remapped so that each program uses the correct multisamples. Drum kits in the

.PCG file that uses samples listed in the .KSC file will also have their drum kit sample settings remapped so that the drum kit plays the correct samples.

Clear: All multisamples and samples currently existing in sample data RAM will be cleared, and the multisam- ples and samples will be loaded in the same configura- tion as when they were saved (see diagram below).

If you want to load multisamples and samples from media without erasing the multisamples and samples that currently exist in sample data RAM, choose Append.

If you want to reproduce the state in which the data had been saved, for example immediately after power-on, choose Clear.

.KSC Allocation

.KSC file to be loaded

Internal memory before

Internal memory after


























































































































































































3To load the data, press the [F8] (“OK”) key. To cancel without loading, press the [F7] (“Cancel”) key.



Page 148
Image 148
Korg Electric Keyboard manual 141, Hide unknown file, Load selected, Translation, Load .PCG