Chapter 3: Using the Operator Panel and Menus
Serial Buffer Disabled
3K to maximumsize allowed
Youcan configure the size of the serial input buffer to meet the requirements of your system.
Ifthe limited size of the serial buffer is preventing you from continuing work in your software
application each timeyou send a job to the printer, you may want to increase the buffer size.
Themaximum size depends on the amount of memory in your printer, the size of the other link
buffersand whether the Resource Save setting is set to On or Off. To maximize the range for
the serial buffersize, you can disable or reduce the size of the parallel, infrared, LocalTalk,
andUSB buffers. Choose Auto to let the printer calculate a buffer size proportional to the total
amount of availableprinter memory. In most cases, Auto is the recommended setting.
Note: Changing the SerialBuffer setting automatically resets the pr inter.
RS-232/RS-422 RS-232*
Choose the serial communication configurationfor your printer. Selecting RS-422 automat-
ically sets SerialProtocol to XON/XOFF.
RS-422 Polarity Normal*
Select Normalor Reverse polarity.
This setting is onlyavailable if the serial communication configuration is set to RS-422.Todo
this,select SERIAL MENU,SERIAL OPTION 1,RS-232/RS-422, and RS-422.
Serial Protocol DTR* (hardwarehandshaking)
DTR/DSR( hardwarehandshaking)
XON/XOFF (softwarehandshaking)
XON/XOFF/DTR( combined handshaking)
XON/XOFF/DTR/DSR( combined handshaking)
is the exchangeof predetermined signals when a connection is established.
Thisprinter suppor ts hardware handshaking, software handshaking, and combined hardware
and softwarehandshaking.
Referto the
formore information about serial interface.
RobustXON Off*
RobustXON only applies to the ser ial port if Serial Protocol is set to XON/XOFF.
WhenRobust XON is set to On,the pr inter sends a continuousstream of XONs to the host
computer toindicate that the ser ial port is ready to receive more data.
Serial Menu (continued)
MenuItem Values