Chapter 14: Verifying the Installation of Options
Toprint a menu settings page:
1Make sure the printer power is On (|) and the
Readystatus message appears on the display.
Ifyou need help, see “Using the Operator Panel”on
page 34 to identify the display and operator panel
2Press Menu> or <Menu toenter the menus.
3Continueto press and release Menu> or <Menu until
4Press Select.
5Press Menu> until PrintMenus appears on the sec-
ond line of the display.
6Press Select.
The message Printing MenuSettings appears and
remainson the operator panel display until the
page prints. The printer returnsto the Ready state
after the menu settings page prints.
If an errorm essage appears, see “Understanding
Printer Messages”on page 151.
7Check to see if the option you installed is listed.
All installed options arelisted on the menu settings
page under Installed Features.
Ifan installed option does not appear on the page, it
is not installed correctlyor aligned properly. Turn
theprinter power Off (O), unplug the printer power
cord,reinstall the option, and print the menu set-
tings page again.