Chapter 3: Using the Operator Panel and Menus
Network Buffer Auto*
3K to maximumsize allowed
Youcan configure the size of the network input buffer to meet the requirements of your
system.If the limited size of the network buffer is preventing you from continuing work in your
softwareapplication each time you send a job to the printer, you may want to increase the
buffer size.
Them aximumsize available for modification depends on the amount of memory in your
printer,the size of the other link buffers, and whether Resource Save is set to On or Off.To
maximizethe range for the network buffer size, you can disable or reduce the size of the
paralleland USB buffers.
Choose Auto to let the printer calculate the buffer size proportional to the total amount of
availableprinter memory. In most cases, Auto is the recommended setting.
Note: Changing the NetworkBuffer setting automatically resets the printer.
Network 1 Setup Valuesfor this menu item are supplied by the specific network card. Open the menu to see the
Formore information, refer to the documentation that comes with your network option.
Network Menu (continued)
MenuItem Values