Operator Panel Menus
NPAMode On
NPAis a mode of bidirectional communication that follows the conventions defined in
Printing Alliance Protocol, A Printer/Host Control Specification Developedby the NPA
moderequires special processing of the pr int data.
IfNPA Mode is set to On, the data received must be in NPA format. If not, it is rejected as bad
data.If NPA Mode is set to Off, the printer does not perform any NPAprocessing. If NPA Mode
is set to Auto, the printer examines the data to determine the format and then processes it in
either format.
The NPAMode setting in the PARALLEL MENU applies only to the parallel interface
Note: Changing the NPAMode setting automatically resets the printer.
ParallelBuffer Disabled
3K to maximumsize allowed
Youcan configure the size of the parallel input bufferto meet the requirements of your system.
Them aximumsize available for modification depends on the amount of memory in your
printer,the size of the other link buffers, and whether Resource Save is set to On or Off.To
maximizethe range for the parallel buffer size, you can disable or reduce the size of theser ial,
network, infrared,LocalTalk, and Universal Serial Bus (USB) buffers.
Choose Auto to let the printer calculate a buffer size proportional to the total amount of
availableprinter memory. In most cases, Auto is the recommended setting.
Note: Changing the ParallelBuffer setting automatically resets the printer.
Job Buffering Off*
Jobbuffering lets you delay processing of a print job. The job is temporarily stored on a hard
disk option beforebeing printed, usually freeing the host computer while the job prints.
TheJob Buffering menu item only displays if the installed hard disk option is formatted and is
defective,Read/Write or Write protected, and if Job Buffer Size is
setto Disabled.See
JobBuffer Siz e on page 77 for more information.61 Defective Disk may display when the
printer is turned on, or during disk format and write operations. See 61 Defective Disk on
page165 for more information.
IfJob Buffering is set to On, print jobs are buffered to the hard disk option. If Job Buffering is
setto Off,print jobs are not buffered.
Note: Changing the JobBuffering setting automatically resets the pr inter.
Parallel Menu (continued)
MenuItem Values