Attendance Messages
Messages Attendance messages indicate printer errorsthat you

must resolvebefore you can continue printing. The mes-

sages arelisted in numerical then alphabetical order.

Note: Forpaper jam errors,
the entire paper path must be
cleared of print material. See
Clearing Jamsonpage 183for
more information.
Attendance Message Meaningand Required Action
34Shor t Paper Thepr inter determines the paper length is too short to print the formatted data. This
occurs when the printer does not knowthe actual paper size loaded in tray. This
messagea lso displaysif you select Universal as a Pap er Size setting and use print
material too short for the page format.
Press Goto clear the message and continue printing.
Makesure the Pa per Size settinginthePAPERMENU is correct for the size print
material youare using. If the MP Feeder Siz e setting is set to Universal,makesure
yourprint mater ial is large enough.
Cancel the current job.Press Menu> or <Menu.TheJOB MENU displays. Press
Menu>or <Menu until Cancel Job appears on the second line of the operator panel
display.Press Select.
Resetthe pr inter.Press Menu> or <Menu.TheJOB MENU displays. Press Menu>
or <Menuuntil Reset Printer appearson the second line of the operator panel
display.Press Select.
Note: Resetting the printer deletes all current data from the print buffer,including all
Print and Hold jobs. See ResetPrinter onpage 70 for more information.
DeficientMemory Theprinter lacks the memory needed to enable Resource Save. This message usually
indicates thatt oomuch memor y is allocated forone or more of the pr inter link buffers.
Toenable Resource Save after this message displays:
Installa dditional memory,
Set the link bufferback to Auto, and exit the menus to activate the link buffer
changes.When Ready displays, enable Resource Save from the SETUP MENU.
PressGo to disable Resource Save and continue printing.