Understanding the Fax Port
10 Fax

Understanding the

Fax Port If your printer has a Tri-Portinterface option card
installedand the serial interface port isnot in use, you can
use your printer to receiveand print fax data.
Theserial interface port is only available if a Tri-Port inter-
face option cardis installed in your printer. See Tr i-Por t
Interface Option Cardonpage 212 for more information.
When you want to use the fax serial port for another pur-
pose, you must first follow the instructions for disabling
thefax port on page 200.If you decide to reactivate the fax
port, make sureyou follow the instructions for setting up
the fax port on page 198.
Note: Neverattempt to config-
ure your serial port for multiple
uses with an A-B switch.


Hardware Touse your printer serial port to process fax data, you
needan external, class 1 fax modem. You can use virtually