Chapter 3: Using the Operator Panel and Menus
AdvancedStatus Off
If AdvancedStatus is set to On, bidirectional communication is enabled through the parallel
Protocol Standard
Fastbyte s*
You c an se lec t Standardor Fastbytes protocol for the parallel interface. Fastbytes is
compatiblewith most existing parallel interface implementations. Use Standard only if you
experienceparallel interface problems.
Referto the
formore information about the parallel interface.
Honor Init Off*
The HonorInit setting deter mines whether the printer honors hardware initialization requests
fromthe computer. The computer requests initialization by activating the INIT signal on the
parallelinterface. Many personal computers activate the INIT signal each time the computer is
turned on and off.
Parallel Mo de 1 Off
The ParallelMode 1 setting controls the pull up resistors on the parallel por ts ignals.It is
useful forpersonal computers that have open collector outputs on the parallel port signals.
SetPa rallel Mode 1 to On to disable the resistors or to Off to enable the resistors.
Note: This menuitem is not available on the Optra M412.
Parallel Mo de 2 Off
The ParallelMode 2 setting deter mines if theparallel por t data is sampled on the leading or
trailingedge of strobe.
IfParallel Mode 2 is set to On, the parallel por t data is sampled on the leading edge of strobe.
If ParallelMode 2 is set to Off, the parallel port data is sampled on the trailing edge of strobe.
Parallel Menu (continued)
MenuItem Values