Chapter 6: Understanding Printer Messages
Line 1 Messages
Status Message Meaning and ActionsAllowed While Message Displays
Changes The printer is reset to activatea printer setting change.
No buttonactions are possible while this message displays.
<warning> Thepr inter is busyreceiving, processing, or pr inting data. The printer indicator light
blinkswhile the printer is processing data.
Thedisplay shows one of the following items on line 1 while the printer processes
APJL RDYMSG,if it is defined
ANetwor k Printing Alliance (NPA)protocol job name, if one is defined
Thep rinter language
Note: If youuse a PJL RDYMSG command or an NPA protocol job name, a
customizedmessage may display instead of Busy.
Note: The printer language appears on line 1 to the right of the Busy message.
PressStop to take the printer out of the Busy state. The Not Ready message
displays.No more data is processed, but all print material in the printer paper path
prints.Press Goto retur n to Busy and continue receiving, processing, or printing
Cancel the current job.Press Menu> or <Menu.TheJOBMENU displays.Press
Menu>or <Menu until Cancel Job appears on the second line of the operator panel
display.Press Select.
Resetthe pr inter.Press Menu> or <Menu.TheJOBMENU displays. Press Menu>
or <Menuuntil Reset Printer appearson the second line of the operator panel
display.Press Select.
Print or delete Print and Hold jobs. Press Menu>or <Menu.TheJOB MENU
displays.Press Menu> or <Menu until CONFIDENTIAL JOB or HELD JOBS
appears.Continue with the instructions for CONFIDENTIAL JOB on page 60 or
HELDJOBS onpage 65 to pr int all jobs,pr int a job,print copies, delete all jobs, or
delete a job.
Formore information, refer to the
Note: Resetting the printer deletes all current data from the print buffer,including all
Print and Hold jobs. See ResetPrinter onpage 70 for more information.
Warningmessages are displayed on line 2 of the operator panel. See War ning
Messagesonpage 158 for more information.
CancellingJob Thepr inter is processing a request to cancel the current print job.
AccountingStat Thepr inter is deleting all job statistics stored on the hard disk option.
No buttonactions are possible while this message displays.
DONOT POWER OFF Thepr inter is defragmentingthe flash memor y option to reclaim storage space
occupied bydeleted resources.
No buttonactions are possible while this message displays.