Operator Panel Menus
AutoContinue Disabled*
SetAu to Continue to a value between 5 seconds and 255 seconds to have the printer
continuepr inting after itdetects one of the following errors:
34 Short Paper
35 Res SaveOff Deficient Memory
37 InsufficientCollation Area
37 InsufficientDefrag Memor y
37 Insufficient Memory
38 Memory Full
39 ComplexPage
51 DefectiveFlash
52 Flash Full
53 UnformattedFlash
54 Serial Option 1 Error
54 Std ParENA Connection Lost
54 Par1 ENA Connection Lost
54 Ser1 Fax Connection Lost
54 Network 1 Software Error
55 Insufficient FaxBuffer
56 Serial Port1 Disabled
56 Std ParallelPort Disabled
56 ParallelPort 1 Disabled
58 TooMany Flash Options
61 DefectiveDisk
62 Disk Full
63 UnformattedDisk
Print Jobs on Disk? Go/Stop?
Ifone of these errors occurs and Auto Continue is set to Disabled, the printer stops and waits
foroperator intervention. When Auto Continue is set to a numerical value, the printer waits for
the specifiedlength of time and then automatically resumes processing.
Thissetting is also used as a timer. After an inactive period in the menus, the printer automat-
ically exitsthe menus and returns to the Ready state.
Jam Recovery On
When JamRecovery is set to Off, the printer does not repr inta pagethat has jammed.
When JamRecovery is set to On, the pr inter keepsthe image for a printed page until the
printer signals that the page has successfully exitedthe printer. The printer reprints all
jammed pages.
If JamRecovery is set to Au to,the printer keeps the image and reprints the page unless the
memory required to hold the page is needed forother pr intertasks.
MenuItem Values