Chapter 3: Using the Operator Panel and Menus
SeparatorSheets None*
Youcan have the printer insert blank separator sheets between jobs, between multiple copies
ofa job, or between each page of a job. Separator sheets are pulled from the source specified
in the SeparatorSource menu item.
Select BetweenCopies formultiple copy jobs. If Collation is set to Off, a blank page is
inserted between sets of each printed page. If Collation is set to On, a blank page is inserted
betweeneach copy of the job.
Select BetweenJobs to insert a blank page after each print job.This may be helpful when
severalpeople are using the printer.
SelectBetween Pages to insert a blank page between each page of a job. This is useful if you
arepr inting transparencies and wantto reduce static build-up when stacking transparencies
in the output bin.
SeparatorSource Tray1*
Tray 2
MP Feeder
Ifyou are using separator sheets, Separator Source lets you specify the paper source that
holds the separatorsheets.
Only installed paper sourcesd isplayas values. You can only select MP Feeder as the
separatorsource if Configure MP is set to Cassette.IfSeparatorSource is set to MP Feeder
and ConfigureMP is set to First,theSeparatorSource setting automatically changes to
Tray 1.See“ConfigureMP”on page 49 for more information.
Multipage Print Off*
Use the MultipagePrint (N-up) setting to print multiple page images on as inglepage. For
example,2-Up means two page images are printed on one page, 3-Up means three page
images are printed on one page, and so forth.
Thep rinter uses the Multipage Order,MultipageView,andMultipageBorder settings to
determinethe order and or ientation of the page images and if a border is printed around each
Printer setting changes within a print job mayaffect the results you get when using
Finishing Menu (continued)
MenuItem Values