Operator Panel Menus
(continued) PrintAll Jobs
Ifyou press Select to choose this value, printing star ts and the operator panel exitsthis
AllRepeat Pr int, Reserve Print, and VerifyPrint jobs are pr inted.
Them essage QueuingJobs displays.For more information, see Queuing Jobson
page1 56.
Ifyou press Select to choose this value, a list of jobs available for printing is displayed. The
first job is displayedon the second line.
AllRepeat Pr int, Reserve Print, and VerifyPrint jobs are listed. Use Menu> or <Menu to scroll
throught he list of availablejobs.
Seethe note on page 65 foran explanation of Username and Jobname.
Press Menu> or<Menu to scroll to the one job you wantto pr int. When the job is on the
secondline of the display,press Select to mark a job for printing. An asterisk (*) appears to
mark the job forpr inting. Youmay select additional jobs to print by marking them with an
Note: If youmake a mistake and mark the wrong job, press Select again to unmark the job.
Thea sterisk beside the print job is removed.
Whena job has been marked forprinting, the job is removedfrom the list of available print
jobs in the DELETEA JOB list. See DELETEA JOB on page6 8 formore information.
Press Return until youexit the menus or press Go to exit the menus. The message Queuing
Jobs displays;however, the message Queuing and Deleting Jobs displays if you previously
selected some jobs fordeletion. Once the printer exitsthe menus and retur ns to an online
state,the jobs you selected star t printing. For more information, see QueuingJobs and
Queuingand Deleting Jobs on page 156.
Job Menu (continued)
MenuItem Values
<Job#1 User name> <Job #1 Jobname>
<Job#2 User name> <Job #2 Jobname>