Chapter 5: Multipurpose Feeder
When printing fromthe multipurpose feeder, be sure to
set the PAPE R SIZE and PA PER TY PE for the MP Feeder
menu item. Also, select the size and paper type fromyour
softwareapplication for the print material you have
loaded. See PAPE R SIZE on page 45 and PAPER TYPE on
page 47 for moreinformation.
Feeder Guidelines Follow these guidelines when using the multipurpose
•Load only one size and type of print material or
envelopes at a time in the multipurpose feeder.
•Toachieve the best possible print quality, use only
high-quality print material that is designed for use
in laser printers. See “Using Print Materials”on
page 115for guidelines on selecting types of print
•Toprevent paper jams, do not add print material to
the multipurpose feeder until it is empty.
•Do not close the multipurpose feeder while a job is
printing or while Busy displays on the operator
panel. Doing so may cause a paper jam.
•Loadprint material with the top edge going into the
multipurpose feeder first.
•Do not place objects on the multipurpose feeder.
Also, avoid pressingdown or applying excessive
forceon i t.