Status Messages
Thepr inter is processing or printing a directory of all files stored in the flash memory
option or on the hard diskoption.
Thepr inter is processing or printing a list of all availablefonts for the selected printer
Thepr inter is processing or printing the Job Accounting Statistics.
Thepr inter is processing or printing the menu settings page.S ee“Pr inting the Menu
Settings Page”onpage 39 for more information.
Themessage displays until the function completes and the page prints.
•Press Stopto take the printer offline. The Not Ready message displays. No more
datais processed, but all print mater ial in the printer paper path prints. Press Go to
return to the previousmessage.
•Cancel the current job.Press Menu> or <Menu.TheJOBMENU displays.Press
Menu>or <Menu until Cancel Job appears on the second line of the operator panel
display.Press Select.
•Resetthe pr inter.Press Menu> or <Menu.TheJOBMENU displays. Press Menu>
or <Menuuntil Reset Printer appearson the second line of the operator panel
display.Press Select.
Note: Resetting the printer deletes all current data from the print buffer,including all
Print and Hold jobs. See ResetPrinter on page 70 formore information.
Test Page s Thepr inter is formatting the Print Quality TestPages once Prt Quality Pgs is selected
inthe CONFIG MENU. Once the pages start pr inting, the Busy message displays.
No buttonactions are possible while this message displays.
Formore information about these pages, see Prt Quality Pgs on page 106.
DONOT POWER OFF Thepr inter is storing resources, fontsor macros, in the flash memory option. If infor-
mationis wr itten to the flash memory option and to the hard disk option at the same
time,the Program Flash message displays.
No buttonactions are possible while this message displays.
Note: Do not powerOff (O) the printer while this message displays.
DONOT POWER OFF Theprinter is storing resources, fonts or macros, on the hard disk option. If information
iswr itten to the flash memory option and to the hard disk option at the same time, the
ProgramFlash message displays.
No buttonactions are possible while this message displays.
Note: Do not powerOff (O) the printer while this message displays.
Status Message Meaning and ActionsAllowed While Message Displays