Understanding Print and Hold Jobs
Todelete all Confidential Jobs, see Delete All Jobs on
page 63.
Todelete a specific Confidential Job, see
DELETE A JOB on page 63.
Held Jobs
Held Jobs refersany of the following types of jobs: Repeat
Print job, Reserve Print job, and VerifyPrint job.

Repeat Print Job

When you createa Repeat Print job, the job f ormatsand
prints,but the printer stores the job in memory so you can
printadditional copies of the job at a later time. As long as
the job remainsstored in memory, you may print addi-
tional copies. Repeat Jobs areautomatically deleted when
the printer requiresextra memory to process additional
jobsor when the number of Repeat Jobs stored exceeds the
value of the setting for Print and Hold Repeat Job Limit.For
moreinformation about this setting, refer to the Te chni cal

Reserve Print Job

When you createa Reserve Print job, the job formats, but
does not print. The printer storesthe job in memory so
youcan print the job at a later time. All pages in the job are
held in memory until you activate printing by using the
operator panel to select Print All Jobs or PRINT A JOB.
Reserve Print jobs arenot deleted from memory when the
job prints. Todelete a Reserve Print job, you must request
DELETEA JOBusing the operator panel.