Chapter 3: Using the Operator Panel and Menus
ResetPr inter Press Select to reset the printer.
Note: Beforeselecting Reset Printer, exit the software application you are using.
Whenyou select Reset Printer, the printer resets to the user default setting for each menu
item.All downloadedresources (fonts, macros, symbol sets) in printer memory (RAM) are
deleted.A ll data on the currently selected host interfaceis deleted from the interface link
buffer.All Print and Hold jobs are deleted.
Print Buffer PressSelect to pr int anydata stored in the pr int buffer.
Thismenu item is only available when you enter the JOB MENU while the Wait ing message is
displayed.The Wait ing state occurs if an incomplete job is sent to the printer or if an ASCII job
isbeing pr inted. Examples include sending a print screen command from your host computer
or copyinga DOS file.
Job Menu (continued)
MenuItem Values