Status Messages
Thepr inter is deleting one or more Print and Hold jobs. This message displaysif you
selectedDelete All Jobs orDELETE A JOB, and there are no other print jobs selected
for printing.
Thepr inter is deleting one or more Print and Hold jobs and printing one or more Print
and Hold jobs.This message displays if one or more print jobs are selected for
deletionin the CONFIDENTIAL JOB and HELD JOBS menu items, and one or more
print jobs are selected forprinting.
No buttonactions are possible while either of these messages displays.
SeeDelete All Jobs on page 63 and on page 68 or DELETE A JOB onpage 63 and on
page 68 formore information.
DisablingMenus Thismessage briefly displays after the operator panel menus have been disabled. See
Disablingthe Operator Panel Menuson page 41 for more information.
No buttonactions are possible while this message displays.
EnablingMenus If the operator panel menus are disabled, this message briefly displays after they are
enabled.See Disabling the Operator Panel Menuson page 41 for more information.
No buttonactions are possible while this message displays.
FlushingBuffer Thepr inter is flushing corrupted print data and discarding the current print job.
No buttonactions are possible while this message displays.
FormattingDisk Thehard disk option is formatting.
Thismessage also displays if you select the Discard value for t he BufferedJobs menu
item in the CONFIGMENU.
No buttonactions are possible while this message displays.
Note: Do not powerOff (O) the printer while this message displays.
DONOT POWER OFF Theflash memor y option is formatting.
No buttonactions are possible while this message displays.
Note: Do not powerOff (O) the printer while this message displays.
Network1 Code Thismessage displays if the code in the optional internal print server (also called an
internal network adapter or INA) has not been programmedor if the code is not valid.
Youcan download network code while this message displays.
Whenthis message appears, the Ready and Busy messages do not display until valid
codeis programmed into the optional inter nal print server.
No buttonactions are possible while this message displays.
MenusDisabled Theprinter menus are disabled. This message displays when Menu>or <Menu is
SeeDisabling the Operator Panel Menuson page 41 for more information.
No buttonactions are possible while this message displays.
Status Message Meaning and ActionsAllowed While Message Displays