Attendance Messages
Option1 Error
54Std Par ENA
54Par 1 ENA
54Ser 1 Fax
54Network 1
A serial interfaceerror is detected (framing or parity) on the optional serial por t. This
error usually indicates the serial link has not been set up correctly.When the serial
error displays,the repor ting of other serial errors is suppressed until interface
parametersare changed or the pr interis reset.
Displaysonly during the pr inter power-oncycle to indicate the connection to an
externalpr int server (also called an external network adapter or ENA) is lost.
Theser ial port is configured to receive fax data, butthe connection to the external
modemhas beenlost. Ifthe Fa x Port menu item in the FAX ME NU is
sett o
Disabled,the printer automatically assumes a modem is connected for fax processing.
SeeFa x Menuon page 102 for more information.
Checkthe interface to:
Verifyyou are using the correct cable.
Makesure the serial interface parameters (protocol, baud, parity, data bits) are
Ifone of these messagesdisplay:
Press Goto clear the message and continue printing the job. However, some data
maynot print or may not print correctly.
Resetthe pr inter.Press Menu> or <Menu.TheJOBMENU displays. Press Menu>
or <Menuuntil Reset Printer appearson the second line of the operator panel
display.Press Select.
Anetwork por t is installed, but the software cannot establishcommunications with the
Press Goto clear the message. The printer disables communications with the
Note: Resetting the printer deletes all current data from the print buffer,including all
Print and Hold jobs. See ResetPrinter onpage 70 for more information.
Attendance Message Meaningand Required Action