Chapter 3: Using the Operator Panel and Menus
Paper MenuUsethePAPERMENUtodefineallsettingsrelatingto
print material input and output, as well as the specific
print material you are using with your printer.
Paper Menu
MenuItem Values
PaperSource Tray1*
Tray 2
MP Feeder
The Paper Source setting identifies the default paper source.
Tray 2 is available only if the optional 500-sheet drawer is installed. See “Optional 500-Sheet
Drawer”onpage 223 for more information.
Select ManualPaper when manually feeding a sheet of print material other than an envelope
throught he multipurpose feeder.
Select ManualEnv when manually feeding an envelope through the multipurpose feeder.
MPFeeder displaysonly if Configure MP is set to Cassette.IfPaperSource is set to
MPFeeder andConfigure MP is set to First,thePaperSource setting automatically changes
to Tray 1.
Ifyou are using the same size and type of print mater ial in two paper sources (and the Paper
Size and Paper Type settings are correctly set), the trays are automatically linked. When one
paper source is empty,print material automatically feeds from the other paper source. See
“TrayLinking”on page 135 for more information.