Operator Panel Menus
Job Menu

Some JOB MENU menu items areavailable when the

printer displays the Ready message and is idle since it is

not accepting, formatting, or printing a job. Other menu

itemsin JOB MENU areonly available when the printer is

busy processingor printing a job, when a printer message

other than Readydisplays, or when the printer is in Hex

Note: Fordocumentation pur-

Printand Hold jobs

to any of the followingjobs: Con-
fidential Job,Reser vePr int Job,
Repeat Print Job, and Verify
Print Job. See page 108 for
more information on Print and
Hold jobs.
Job Acct Stat Print
TheJob Acct Stat menuitem only displays if a hard disk option is installed in your printer and
defectiveor Read/Write or Write protected. Job Accounting in the SETUP MENU must
be set to On.
Select Printto pr int a list of statistics fora defined number of the most recent print jobs. (The
numberof jobs is deter mined bythe value of the Job Acct Limit menu item in the
SETUPMENU). The statistics include if the job printed with or without errors, the time required
toprint the job, the size (in bytes) of the job, the requested paper size and paper type, the total
numberof pr inted pages,and the number of copies requested.
Select Clearto delete all accumulatedjob statistics from the hard disk option. ClearingJob
AccountingStat displaysuntil the process completes. See Clearing Job Accounting Stat on
page152 for more information.
HexTrace Press Select to enter HexTrace mode.
HexTrace helps isolate the source of a print job problem. With Hex Trace selected, all data
sentto the pr inter is printed in hexadecimaland character representation. Control codes are
not run.
To exi t HexTrace, turn the printer power Off (O), or reset the printer. Toreset the printer, press
Menu>or <Menu.JOB MENU displays. Press Menu> or <Menu until Reset Printer appears on
the second line of the operatorpanel display.Press Select.
Note:Resetting the printer deletesall current data from the print buffer, including all Print and
Hold jobs.See Reset Printer onpage 7 0 formore information.

Utilities Menu (continued)

MenuItem Values