Chapter 3: Using the Operator Panel and Menus
Operator Panel
Menus Anumber of menus are available to make it easy for you
to change printer settings. The diagram on page 43 shows
the menus and all of the menu items available in each
menu. The items in each menu and the values you can
select aredescribed in more detail in the tables beginning
on page 44.
Somemenus appear only if a specific option is installed in
the printer.Other menu items may only be effective for a
particular printer language. Youcan select these values at
any time, but they only affectprinter function when you
use the specified printer language.
Note: Changes made from a
software application or driver
overridethe user default settings
made from the operator panel.
An asterisk (*) next to a value in the tables indicates the
factorydefault setting. These settings are the original printer
settings. (Factory defaults may vary for differentcoun-
tries.) See FactoryDefaults on page 57 or on page 107 for
When you select a new setting fromthe operator panel,
theasterisk moves next to the selected setting to identify it
as the currentuser default setting. These settings are active
until new ones arestored or the factory defaults are
restored. See Changing Menu Settingson page 40 for