Chapter 7: Solving Printer Problems
Option Problems
Problem Action
Option does not operatecorrectly
after it is installed or it quits
Turnthe printer power Off (O), wait for about 10 seconds, and turn the printer
powerOn (|). If this does not fix the problem, unplug the printer, and check
theconnection between the option and pr inter.
Print the menusettings pageand check to see if the option is listed in the
InstalledOptions list.If the option is not listed, reinstall it.See Ve rify ing th e
Installationof Optionson page 2 29 formore information.
Makesure the option is selected in the software application you are using.
ForMacintosh users: Make sure the printer is set up in CHOOSER.
Option does not operatecorrectly
after it is installed. Optional Drawer: Makesure the connection between the optional 500-sheet
drawerand the printer is secure. See Optional 500-Sheet Draweron
page223 formore information.
Makesure the print material is loaded correctly. See Loading Print Materialon
page124 formore information.
Flash Memory Option: Checkto make sure the flash memor y option is
securely connected to the printer system board. See Understanding Memory
Optionson page 206 formore information.
PrinterM emory Option: Checkto make sure the printer memor y option is
securely connected to the printer system board. See Understanding Memory
Optionson page 206 formore information.
HardDisk Option:Check to make sure the hard disk option is securely
connectedto the printer system board. See Hard Disk Optionon page212 for
more information.
HardDisk Adapter Card:Check to make sure the hard disk option is securely
connectedto the hard disk adapter card. Also check to make sure the hard disk
adaptercard is securely connected to the printer system board. See Hard Disk
Optionon page 212 formore information.
Internal Print Server Option: Checkto make sure the optional inter nal print
server(also called an inter nal network adapter or INA) is securely connected to
the printer system board. See Internal Print Server (Internal Network Adapter
or INA)onpage 211 formore information.
The connection tothe networ k is madethrough the networ k cable.Check that
youhave the correct cable, that it is securely connected, and that the network
softwareis correctly set up. See the documentation that comes with your
optional internal print server for more information.
Tri-PortInterface Option: Checkto make sure the Tri-Port Interface option
card is securely connected tothe pr inter system board. See Tri- Por t Int erfa ce
OptionCard on page 212 formore information.
ForMacintosh users: Make sure the host computer is set to LocalTalk.
Ifyou are using a phone wire connection, a terminator plug must be used.