Chapter 3: Using the Operator Panel and Menus
(continued) DeleteAll Jobs
Ifyou press Select to choose this value, the message Delete All Jobs. Go/Stop? displays so
youhave one chance to stop the deletion of all the print jobs you have sent.
Note: All Repeat Print, Reserve Print, and VerifyPrint jobs will be deleted.
Press Stopif you do not want to delete all jobs. The operator panel returns to the following
screen, and youmay choose to exit the CONFIDENTIAL JOB menu item or scroll to another
value using Menu> or <Menu.
Press Go to deleteall jobs. The message Deleting Jobs displays. The jobs are deleted and
the printer exitsthe menus.
Ifyou press Select to choose this value, a list of jobs held in printer memor y is displayedas
shown.The first job is displayed on the second line.
AllRepeat Pr int, Reserve Print, and VerifyPrint jobs are listed. Use Menu> or <Menu to scroll
throught he list of availablejobs.
Seethe note onpage 65 foran explanation of Username and Jobname.
Press Menu> or<Menu to scroll to the one job you want to delete. When the job you want to
deleteis on the second line of the display, press Select to mark a job for deletion. An asterisk
(*)appears tomar k the job fordeletion. You may select additional jobs to delete by marking
themwith an aster isk.
Note: If youmake a mistake and mark the wrong job, press Select again to unmark the job.
Thea sterisk beside the job is removed.
Whena jobhas beenmar kedfor deletion, the job is removed from the list of available jobs in
the PRINTA JOB listand the PRINT COPIES list. See PRINTA JOB onpage 67 and PRINT
COPIES onpage 69 formore information.
PressReturn until you exit the menus or press Go to exit the menus. Once the printer exits the
menusand returns to an online state, the job is deleted. The message Deleting Jobs displays;
however,the message Queuing and Deleting Jobs displays if you previously selected some
jobs to print. Formore information, see Deleting Jobs andQueuing and Deleting Jobs on
page1 53.
Job Menu (continued)
MenuItem Values
DeleteAll Jobs
<Job#1 User name> <Job #1 Jobname>
<Job#2 User name> <Job #2 Jobname>