Chapter 3: Using the Operator Panel and Menus

Config Menu

Youonly have access to the CONFIG MENU if you follow
these steps:
1Turnthe printer power Off (O).
2Press and hold the Select and Returnbuttons and
turn the printer power On (|).
3Release the buttons when PerformingSelf Test
appears on the operator panel display.
When the printer self test completes, the CONFIG
MENU displays.
When you exit the CONFIG MENU, the printer restarts
automatically and returns to the Ready state.See
Exit Config Menu on page 107 for moreinformation.
Config Menu
MenuItem Values
Prt Quality Pgs PressSelect to pr int the quality test pages. The first page contains a combination of graphics
and textwhich always prints in English. The second and third pages contain graphics only.
Note: PAPERSIZE must be set to Letter,Legal,orA-4to print quality test pages. See PAPER
SIZE onpage 45for more information.
PanelMenus Disable
Formore information, see Disabling the Operator Panel Menuson page 41.
BufferedJobs Discard
Select Discardto delete all pr int jobs stored in the print buffer.
Themessage Formatting Disk briefly appears while the bufferedjobs are being discarded.
See FormattingDisk onpage 153 for more information.