Chapter 3: Using the Operator Panel and Menus
DownloadTarget RAM*
The DownloadTarget menu item specifies the storage location for downloaded resources,
such as fontsand macros.
Storingdownloaded resources in flash memor y or hard disk is permanent storage rather than
the temporary storage that RAM provides.You can add resources to flash memory or to the
hardd iskuntil the option is full. Use your software application or the printer Toolkit to
downloadresources to the pr inter.
TheDownload Target menu item only displays if a formatted flash memory option or hard disk
option isinstalled in the pr inter and is
defectiveor Read/Write or Write protected.
51Defective Flash or 61Defective Disk may display when the printer is turned on, or during
formatand wr ite operations.See 51 Defective Flash on page 161 or 61 Defective Disk on
page165 for more information.
Disk does
displayfor Download Target if Job Buffer Size is set to 100%.SeeJobBuffer
Size on page 77 formore information.
Ifneither option is installed, DownloadTarget does
displayand all downloaded resources
areautomatically stored in pr inter memory (RAM).
Print Timeout Disabled
The PrintTimeout setting deter mines the time (in seconds) the printer waits before printing
the lastpage of a pr int job that does not end with acommand to pr int the page.The pr int
timeout counter doesnot star t until the Waiting message displays.
Whena pr int timeout occurs, the printer stores the page in the print buffer.
SelectDisabled to turn Print Timeout off. When Print Timeout is disabled, the printer does not
print the last page of a print job until one of the following occurs:
•Thep rinter receivesenough information to fill the page.
•Thep rinter receivesa Form Feed command.
•Youselect Print Buffer from the JOB MENU. See page 70 for more information.
WaitTimeout Disabled
The WaitTimeout setting determines the amount of time (in seconds) the printer waits to
receiveadditional bytes of data from the computer. When this timeout expires, the print job is
Select Disabledto tur n WaitTimeout off.
Wait Timeou t is only availablewhen using PostScript 3 emulation. The setting has no effect
on PCL emulationpr int jobs.
MenuItem Values