Chapter 3: Using the Operator Panel and Menus
Multipage View Auto*
LongE dge
Short Edge
Usethe Multipage View setting to select the orientation of theprinted page with respect to the
pagei mages during Multipage Print.
Select Auto to allow the printer to choose between portrait and landscape positioning.
Select LongEdge to position the long edge of the print material as the top of the page.
Select Short Edge to position the short edge of the print material as the top of the page.
Note: ForPostScript 3 emulation print jobs, the Auto setting is always in portrait orientation.
Multipage Border None*
Use the MultipageBorder setting to specify if a border is printed around each page image
during Multipage Print.
Select None ifyou do not want to print a border around each page image.
Select Solid topr int a solid line border around each page image.
Finishing Menu (continued)
MenuItem Values